Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam, a renowned acupuncture specialist, recently appeared on a live show on NEWS24 to discuss acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the session, he provided valuable insights into the role of acupuncture in addressing post-COVID complications and its growing contribution to the healthcare sector. He emphasized how the media plays a vital role in spreading awareness about acupuncture treatments and acknowledged the convenience and accessibility of these services at SUO XI Hospital.
Many people may not be familiar with TCM or may have only a vague understanding of it. Additionally, few are aware that in recent years, integrated treatments combining TCM and acupuncture have gained momentum in Bangladesh. Notably, SUO XI Hospital in Shantinagar, Dhaka, now offers international-standard acupuncture and TCM treatments, which is a significant step forward in healthcare.
Dr. S.M. Shahidul Islam, a pioneer in introducing this unique treatment modality, has been instrumental in raising awareness and recognition of TCM and acupuncture in Bangladesh. Over the years, these methods have grown in popularity as effective treatment options, and his extensive expertise has led to successful outcomes for many patients. Acupuncture and TCM are now recognized as promising alternative treatments, continuing to gain widespread acceptance and appreciation in the country.
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